Advantages of Network Marketing:

Nowadays a lot of people are looking for the most effective ways to make money. And Network Marketing industry is considered to be the one that pays out the biggest money to its distributors in comparison with other industries listed in the picture at the top. Here are some key benefits for creating a winning business in a losing economy and just a few of the many more advantages of the Network Marketing Business Model over traditional business models.
1) Saves money- The first and foremost advantage of it is that company saves a lot of costs due to networking marketing because marketing is done through individuals which is less expensive as compared to traditional method of advertising like television, online medium, newspaper and so on.
2) Huge Tax Perks-  One of the not-so-obvious advantages of network marketing that people miss are the incredible tax perks which an ‘Employee’ doesn’t have. When you join a network marketing company you’re starting your very own home-based business and even your capital invested can be written off. For those of you who have a traditional job, you too can be earning extra income and as a huge bonus, you will have various tax advantages over your colleagues. If you like to travel, dine out, entertain, if you have a mortgage, car payment, fuel costs, office supplies, etc. then this is possibly the greatest advantage of all as you are allowed to deduct your expenses from your income before calculating how much tax you should pay!
3) Product Based - Most traditional business today is service based. A customer pays the business to provide a service and then, unless it is a continued service, the transaction is over. The provider or a representative is often required to be present while the service is being performed. Many network marketing companies are based on high quality products that cannot be found anywhere else. Consumers may be able to find similar products in stores but they are not usually as high quality. These products are also consumable so if a customer tries the product and likes it, they will have to reorder the product. The transaction repeats with each order. The provider only has to be present for that first transaction.
4) Huge potential income- There is no record on how much money you can generate, it depends on your attempt and your decision “how much you want to earn” as the Network Marketing company doesn’t hold you back in the same way the corporate environment does, or urge you, just do what want to generate. Unlike regular jobs where you earn only a fixed amount every week or month, despite the amount you work, India’s no 1 network marketing company like Glaze Trading India provides you the flexibility of generating as much income as you want. The key is the skills set of a network marketer, you have it and make whatever income, which is determined by your stamina, dedication, and your willingness.


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